Cleveland, Ohio – [October 2023] – Lynn Brishae, a pioneering black female developer committed to revitalizing communities, is delighted to announce the acquisition of five (5) parcels of land from the Cleveland Land Bank for its transformative Boss Up & Build Back the Block Project. This collaborative effort
aims to revitalize neighborhoods, foster economic business growth, and provide affordable housing opportunities for residents in Cleveland, Ohio.

The Boss Up & Build Back the Block Project, an ambitious initiative undertaken by Lynn Brishae, focuses on reclaiming neglected properties and transforming them into vibrant, sustainable communities. By working closely with Councilman Kevin Conwell (Ward 9), Commissioner James Greene and the Cleveland Land Bank, Lynn Brishae has secured five strategically located parcels on E. 115th Street that will serve as the foundation for this exciting endeavor.
The parcels obtained from the Cleveland Land Bank offer immense potential for development, with their prime locations and untapped opportunities. Boss Summit plans to leverage its expertise in community development, urban planning, and sustainable design to breathe new life into these properties. Through meticulous planning and execution, the Boss Up & Build Back the Block Project will create
a thriving business neighborhood that will enhance the quality of life for few residents while preserving the community's unique character.
"We are thrilled to receive these parcels of real property from the Cleveland Land Bank for our Boss Up & Build Back the Block Project," said Lynn Brishae,
Board President, of Boss Summit. "This partnership exemplifies our shared commitment to community revitalization and sustainable urban development. With these parcels, we have the opportunity to make a lasting positive impact on the neighborhood and provide affordable housing solutions for those in need."

The Boss Up & Build Back the Block Project will incorporate a comprehensive and inclusive approach to community development. Boss Summit will collaborate with local stakeholders, political and community leaders, and residents to ensure that the project aligns with their needs and aspirations. The development will feature a mix of affordable housing units, green and business spaces, commercial facilities, and community amenities, fostering
a sense of pride, belonging, and unity.
Boss Summit extends its deepest gratitude to Commissioner James Greene and the Cleveland Land Bank for their support and partnership in making the Boss Up
& Build Back the Block Project a reality. This collaboration exemplifies the power
of public-private initiatives in driving positive change and creating sustainable communities.

For more information on Boss Summit and/or to donate to the Boss Up & Build Back the Block Project, please visit www.bosssummit.org or email us: contact@bosssummit.com